Saturday, 9 April 2016

Question 5 Evaluation

Question 5 - Evaluation
How did you attracts/address your audience?

From the results of our post-film questionnaire, we know that we reached our intended audience for our media product.
From the responses given, we found that the audience agreed that the genre of our film was psychological horror due to them stating ‘Yes’ in the questionnaire. They also answered ‘Yes’ to the question, ‘Do you understand the storyline?’ in a pre-production questionnaire.

We found that the audience felt that the film reflected the original storyline, that we published in an earlier questionnaire. All of the responses stated that the film reflected the storyline.

We also asked if the film relates to the certificate of our film of 15-19. Most of the responses from the questionnaire stated ‘Yes’. This shows that we appealed to our target audience by finding the correct certificate.
When writing the script, we added elements that would only be suited specifically to our target audience. We added strong language into the characters dialogue so the target audience of 15-19 could relate to the characters. We also tried to add violence into our film to link with the genre of psychological horror, which we found our target audience enjoy. We did this by using a knife in one of the scenes.

We wanted to use a location that the audience could relate to but also link to the genre of the film. We decided to use the idea of a friends house so that the target audience could relate to the social side of the film but then use the idea of them meeting at night time, to create the horror style. The results from the questionnaire show that our location was successful and linked well to the genre of the film.

One response from our post-film questionnaire stated how we had used a variety of shots to help establish the genre and allow the target audience to enjoy it. One other response stated that they enjoyed the use of sound effects such as the bang and the knife to create a tense and frightening feel.

Some responses stated that there could be improvements to our film. For example, some of the audience didn’t understand the jump cut sequence of pouring the drinks. Another response stated that they disliked the knife scene and thought it was too brief. To improve this next time, we could go into more detail in this scene and possibly add more violence to link closely with our genre.

Some improvements we thought we could make were to make the knife scene at the end of the film last longer and give the audience more of an insight into what happens.


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