Saturday 9 April 2016

Evaluation Question 5

From the questionnaire we collected the responses and we have reached our target audience. We asked the public if our film relates to the age certificate of 15+, five people said that it does reach the age of 15+, one person said ‘maybe’ and one said that it did not reach the age of 15+. The audience also said that the film did follow the psychological horror genre and they said that they understood the storyline.

 During the production of our media product we wrote the script with explicit language to help represent the language that young people are stereotyped on using. This helps our film fit in with the 15+ age restriction. We also introduced the use of violence such as a knife to help the media product fit into the age category.

 The feedback we received mostly commented on our successes with the media product. An example of this is that one of the responses identified that we used a variety of shots including long shot, medium shot and many more. We also received the response that the sound effects and music we used fit in well with the genre of the film and made it seem professional. We agree with this comment and will spend more time looking for high quality music for our next clip.

There were some comments on the improvements that we could make. We had a few comments on some jump cuts we added when making the drinks, they were unsure of the concept we were trying to achieve so next time we will edit it a lot  better and smoother so that it is more successful. Another comment said that the violence clip was too brief and needed more emphasis so next time we know to make sure to emphasis a violent scene more to make the clip more interesting for the viewers.

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