Thursday 12 November 2015

2 minute opening of a film (Own Idea)

2 minute opening of a film
·        -Connor lies dead on the floor surrounded by medics/forensics (Matty/Ben/Elliot)
·      -  FLASHBACK
·       - Connor is at home in the kitchen making dinner with the blinds up. Outside is very dark and misty.
·       - A mysterious, scary looking face (Matty) appears through the kitchen window.
·       - Connor turns the light off and leaves the kitchen.
·        -Screen goes black and an image reappears with the kitchen door lock broke and the door slightly open.
·       - Matty is shown walking through into the living room.
·        -Matty holds a gun up behind Connor’s head and pulls the trigger
·        -Suspense music is played throughout.

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