Tuesday 29 September 2015

Ben Houghton - Shot List

Shot List
Ben Houghton

1 - Pan Shot - Elliot walks down the corridor up to the door.

2 - Close Up - Door handle is pushed.

3 - Pan Shot - Matches with previous shot, Elliot walking through the door and walking to the chair opposite Ben.

4 - Medium Shot - Dialogue (Elliot)

5 - Medium Shot - Dialogue (Ben)

6 - Medium Shot - Dialogue (Elliot)  

7 -  Medium Shot - Dialogue (Ben)

8 - Medium Shot - Dialogue (Elliot)

9 - Medium Long Shot - Elliot smashing computer monitors.

10 - Pan Shot - Follows Elliot journey back to the door.

11 - Close Up - Door handle is pulled.

12 - Pan Shot - Matches with the previous shot, Elliot walks out of the door and runs down the corridor.

13 - Medium Close Up - (Ben)

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